I am the catalyst and guide to help high-achieving entrepreneurs and leaders move from hustle to flow without sacrificing results or their authentic self. 

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I am the catalyst and guide to help high-achieving entrepreneurs and leaders move from hustle to flow without sacrificing results or their authentic self. 

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I’m a former patient care leader turned international best-selling author, speaker, face and body analysis expert, Authentic Energetic Leadership Mentor, and Master New Code NLP Coach.

I spent the last 20 years of my career motivating, inspiring, healing, and teaching clients how to cultivate a loving, empowered relationship with themselves and holding space for them to step into their true authentic, empowered, and capable selves. 

I use a powerful, proven face and body analysis system that highlights what your body communication wants you to know and brings to the surface subconscious patterns that are held in your body, and stopping you from reaching your next level of success. 
I hold a safe, compassionate space to help leaders connect to the body, and remove invisible blocks preventing you from stepping into the highest version of yourself! My approach focuses on emotional empowerment, embodiment, energetic leadership, and soul connection. 
I am an Emotional Manifesting Generator and have all my centers defined
(which is less than < 1% of the population.) 

My mission is to raise global consciousness by awakening humanity to embody deeper self-love and compassion and step into energetic leadership.
My vision is to create a loving and connected world by supporting empowered, compassionate leaders to create meaningful impact in alignment with their
highest love, purpose, and truth.

My highest values are Love and Truth and my guiding values are
compassion, courage, and connection.
When we allow others to truly see us in happiness AND pain, true connection is born.
I’m a former patient care leader turned international best-selling author, speaker, face and body analysis expert, Authentic Energetic Leadership Mentor, and Master New Code NLP Coach.

I spent the last 20 years of my career motivating, inspiring, healing, and teaching clients how to cultivate a loving, empowered relationship with themselves and holding space for them to step into their true authentic, empowered, and capable selves. 

I use a powerful, proven face and body analysis system that highlights what your body communication wants you to know and brings to the surface subconscious patterns that are held in your body, and stopping you from reaching your next level of success. 

I hold a safe, compassionate space to help leaders connect to the body, and remove invisible blocks preventing you from stepping into the highest version of yourself! My approach focuses on emotional empowerment, embodiment, energetic leadership, and soul connection.  
I am an Emotional Manifesting Generator and have all my centers defined (which is less than < 1% of the population.) 

My mission is to raise global consciousness by awakening humanity to embody deeper self-love and compassion and step into energetic leadership.
My vision is to create a loving and connected world by supporting empowered, compassionate leaders to create meaningful impact in alignment with their
highest love, purpose, and truth.

My highest values are Love and Truth and my guiding values are
compassion, courage, and connection.
When we allow others to truly see us in happiness AND pain, true connection is born.
I know what it feels like to sacrifice my own needs and then have to hold everything
​together to appear well put together to maintain the status quo….
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I know what it feels like to sacrifice my own needs and then have to hold everything
​together to appear well put together to maintain the status quo….
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Five years ago, I started having heart palpitations with chest pain radiating up my jaw and down my arm. My eyesight got fuzzy and I was struggling to take in air. I ended up being wheeled to emergency in front of all my coworkers at work. 

Leading up to this breakdown, I knew I was experiencing  high anxiety and struggling to concentrate and focus…   

I knew intellectually I needed to take time off work and I even had received a doctor’s note. However, I was so fixated on my commitments to my patients, coworkers and all the doctors I was working with, that I just couldn’t get myself to let go….

How many times have you known the right thing to do for yourself and struggled to let yourself do it?

Some may wonder why I continued to work to the point of illness before I finally started to prioritize myself and my own needs…

You see…I experienced a lot of trauma from a very young age that would continue throughout my childhood..

When I was 20 days old, my mom left me with my physically and emotionally abusive father.
I was bullied by my sister at home and at school. I didn’t develop a lot of social skills because I didn’t have alot of friends…

I missed out on birthday parties and other social gatherings because we could not afford to bring gifts so I felt isolated from my peers.

​Later on, when I was a teenager, I experienced date rape and ended up turning to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain.
By this point I asked myself, “Would there be a point of me being here….and would it matter if I stayed?”
In order to survive, I focused on being perfect, achieving, and accomplishing as much as I could… and I became a people pleaser, and started putting everyone else’s needs and desires before my own.

I was desperate for love, attention, and belonging and as a result…
I ignored my needs.

I ignored my intuition.

I gave away my voice.

I gave away my body.

I sold pieces of my soul.

I sacrificed who I was.
Despite all of this, I did well for myself…

I created what looked like success from the outside. I graduated with distinction in university. 
I became a registered nurse. I married a loving man. I invested in real estate.  I ran masterminds and became a millionaire before the age of 30. I had money, a house and car, love, and a white picket fence…
But I still felt empty, disconnected, and unfulfilled on the inside. Since I had learned early in life to numb my body and my feelings, I was able to create a strong shell of protection and put on a mask for the outside world. And over time, this mask became my identity.

That’s why even though I knew intellectually I needed to take time off work, a subconscious part of me told me I would be nothing if I didn’t have my patients and co-workers to take care of…By this time, feeling needed by others had become a huge part of my self-worth …
Five years ago, I started having heart palpitations with chest pain radiating up my jaw and down my arm. My eyesight got fuzzy and I was struggling to take in air. I ended up being wheeled to emergency in front of all my coworkers at work. 

Leading up to this breakdown, I knew I was experiencing  high anxiety and struggling to concentrate and focus…   

I knew intellectually I needed to take time off work and I even had received a doctor’s note. However, I was so fixated on my commitments to my patients, coworkers and all the doctors I was working with, that I just couldn’t get myself to let go….

How many times have you known the right thing to do for yourself and struggled to let yourself do it?

Some may wonder why I continued to work to the point of illness before I finally started to prioritize myself and my own needs…

You see…I experienced a lot of trauma from a very young age that would continue throughout my childhood..

When I was 20 days old, my mom left me with my physically and emotionally abusive father.
I was bullied by my sister at home and at school. I didn’t develop a lot of social skills because I didn’t have a
​lot of friends…

I missed out on birthday parties and other social gatherings because we could not afford to bring gifts so I felt isolated from my peers.

​Later on, when I was a teenager, I experienced date rape and ended up turning to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain.
By this point I asked myself, “Would there be a point of me being here….and would it matter if I stayed?”
In order to survive, I focused on being perfect, achieving, and accomplishing as much as I could… and I became a people pleaser, and started putting everyone else’s needs and desires before my own.

I was desperate for love, attention, and belonging and as a result…
I ignored my needs.

I ignored my intuition.

I gave away my voice.

I gave away my body.

I sold pieces of my soul.

I sacrificed who I was.

Despite all of this, I did well for myself…

I created what looked like success from the outside. I graduated with distinction in university. 
I became a registered nurse. I married a loving man. I invested in real estate.  I ran masterminds and became a millionaire before the age of 30. I had money, a house and car, love, and a white picket fence…

But I still felt empty, disconnected and unfulfilled on the inside. Since I had learned early in life to numb my body and my feelings, I was able to create a strong shell of protection and put on  a mask for the outside world. And over time , this mask became my identity.

That’s why even though I knew intellectually I needed to take time off work, a subconscious part of me told me I would be nothing if I didn’t have my patients and co-workers to take care of…By this time, feeling needed by others had become a huge part of my  self-worth …
My awakening finally came on the day that my daughter turned 6 months old… 

For the first time, she intentionally hit one of the hanging toys dangling from the baby Einstein play mat. The community nurse who was sitting next to me said, “Did you see that?” and I responded bluntly, “Yah, kids do that”.

But the reality was I couldn’t feel anything for my baby daughter; Not even LOVE,

Sometimes you can’t see the problem because you’re in it. And for me, If it wasn’t for that community nurse pointing out my lack of connection to my baby, I would not have known how emotionally disconnected I was from my own daughter.

​Essentially, I had turned into my mom…
Not physically abandoning my baby but I was emotionally abandoning my baby. This awareness activated a part in me that said, “I won’t do to my child what my mom did to me.” I knew I needed to start getting some help.
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My awakening finally came on the day that my daughter turned 6 months old… 

For the first time, she intentionally hit one of the hanging toys dangling from the baby Einstein play mat. The community nurse who was sitting next to me said, “Did you see that?” and I responded bluntly, “Yah, kids do that”.

But the reality was I couldn’t feel anything for my baby daughter; Not even LOVE,

Sometimes you can’t see the problem because you’re in it. And for me, If it wasn’t for that community nurse pointing out my lack of connection to my baby, I would not have known how emotionally disconnected I was from my own daughter.
Essentially, I had turned into my mom…
Not physically abandoning my baby but I was emotionally abandoning my baby. This awareness activated a part in me that said, “I won’t do to my child what my mom did to me.” I knew I needed to start getting some help.
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From that day forward, I started investing tens of thousands of dollars on seeing various psychologists, counselors, doctors, naturopaths, and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. I invested even more money on various personal development workshops, became a neurolinguistic practitioner, and focused on mastering the mind. I spent a great deal of time trying to figure things out intellectually, but I can tell you that the answer is NOT in figuring it out or doing more.  

I was drawn to see intuitive healers and I noticed that they could see, feel, and understand me. I took a full dive into intuitive healing work and started taking various intuition courses, energy healing courses in Reiki, Bio-energy Healing, 
Tibetan Mastery, and Shamanism. I realized that working with energy came naturally to me and discovered my own empathic, intuitive healing abilities. However, I noticed that when I stopped giving and receiving energy clearings, the underlying symptoms were still there. 

Because I value truth and freedom, I kept searching and looking for the answer. I eventually dove head first into a 4-year journey into emotional and spiritual healing, in addition to becoming a Psychosomatic Therapist and all the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. 

I discovered that it is not about addressing the mind, the emotions, the body, and the soul separately, but addressing all parts of ourselves in wholeness as one. When we
 are not addressing ourselves in wholeness, we will fall back into constantly and subconsciously blocking ourselves from receiving our next level of joy, happiness, peace, freedom, and abundance life has to offer.

 own physical body blueprint provides the map to our true inner authenticity, as well as our Authentic energetic alignment in our self-leadership to create the meaningful, purpose-driven impact we are meant to create. 

From that day forward, I started investing tens of thousands of dollars on seeing various psychologists, counselors, doctors, naturopaths, and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. I invested even more money on various personal development workshops, became a neurolinguistic practitioner, and focused on mastering the mind. I spent a great deal of time trying to figure things out intellectually, but I can tell you that the answer is NOT in figuring it out or doing more.  

I was drawn to see intuitive healers and I noticed that they could see, feel, and understand me. I took a full dive into intuitive healing work and started taking various intuition courses, energy healing courses in Reiki, Bio-energy Healing, Tibetan Mastery, and Shamanism. I realized that working with energy came naturally to me and discovered my own empathic, intuitive healing abilities. However, I noticed that when I stopped giving and receiving energy clearings, the underlying symptoms were still there.
Because I value truth and freedom, I kept searching and looking for the answer. I eventually dove head first into a 4 year journey into emotional and spiritual healing, in addition to becoming a Psychosomatic Therapist and all the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. 

 I discovered that it is not about addressing the mind, the emotions, the body, and the soul separately, but addressing all parts of ourselves in wholeness as one. When we are not addressing ourselves in wholeness, we will fall back into constantly and subconsciously blocking ourselves from receiving the next level of joy, happiness, peace, freedom, and abundance life has to offer.

Our own physical body blueprint provides the map to our true inner authenticity, as well as our Authentic energetic alignment in our self-leadership to create the meaningful, purpose-driven impact we are all meant to create.
I acknowledge that we are on the unceded traditional territories of the Kwikwetlem, Musqueam, Squamish, Stó:lō and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations.
I acknowledge that we are on the unceded traditional territories of the Kwikwetlem, 
​Musqueam, Squamish, Stó:lō and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations.